Preparing Hazardous Materials

Properly managing hazardous products can involve several steps:

  1. First, determine if the material is hazardous. Does the label have any warnings?
  2. Use up the contents and discard empty container.
  3. Unused products that are still in good condition may be given to others.
  4. Bring leftover hazardous waste to our collection services.

Minimize risks by:

  • Keeping the products in the original container.
  • Don’t mix products together. Secure products so they don’t tip over.
  • Make sure products are sealed to prevent leaks and spills.
  • Pack products in sturdy boxes in the vehicle away from the driver and passengers.
  • Store the products in a secure place away from children, pets, heat, sparks or flames.

The following items do not need to be brought to a hazardous waste facility:

  • Empty aerosol cans
  • Cans of dried paint and empty containers
  • Compressed cylinders
  • Biological and radioactive waste (including sharps, medications, smoke detectors)
  • Explosives and ammunition