Drug, Alcohol, and Problem Gambling Prevention

Polk County’s Drug, Alcohol and Problem Gambling Prevention Program serves Polk County by reducing and preventing the negative effects of drug, alcohol and gambling addiction through a variety of strategies including positive youth development, raising awareness, evidence based parenting classes, community assessments and surveys, media campaigns, supporting policy development, and education.

Polk County Youth Activity Interest Survey Report 2017

A Polk County Youth Activity Interest survey was conducted of middle school and high school students in the Central, Dallas, Falls City and Perrydale school districts about the activities they are involved in already, what activities they would like to see available, and what is needed to ensure they can take part in the activities they want to do. The survey also addressed how teens manage their technology use and what impact technology use is having on their lives. The results of the survey can be found here.

A survey was recently conducted by two OHSU nursing students under the direction of the Polk County Family & Community Outreach Drug/Alcohol & Gambling Prevention Coordinator. Gambling sites in Dallas, Monmouth & Independence were assessed on items such as advertising, location of machines, accessibility by youth and store details. The information was gathered in hopes to better understand not only the effects of gambling on youth but also to better understand the gambling atmosphere and gambling potential youth have specifically in the Dallas/Monmouth/Independence area of Polk County. See below under "Supporting Documents" for the Dallas map, Monmouth/Independence map, and the full report.

Are you looking for information or materials on alcohol, drugs, or gambling?

The Community Drug and Alcohol Program can provide helpful presentations or materials on any of these topics to parents, youth, healthcare providers, employees, clients, social service providers, community members, marijuana, alcohol or gambling retailer, religious or fraternal organizations, etc. These presentations can be tailor made to cover the information most relevant to your group. For more information or to set up a presentation, email Abby BreMiller at bremiller.abby@co.polk.or.us or call (503) 623-9664 Ext. 2550

Are you looking for information on specific programs?

Dallas Youth Garden
ILead Youth Leadership Summit
Problem Gambling Awareness Art Search

Are you a parent looking for classes or resources?

Did you know? Parents are the #1 influence on whether or not a teen chooses to drink or use drugs.
You can find free evidence based parenting classes offered locally through Mid-Valley Parenting.

Other helpful websites for parents:

Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility: http://responsibility.org/
Partnership for Drug-Free Kids: http://www.drugfree.org
Stop Medicine Abuse: http://stopmedicineabuse.org

Do you have questions about laws regarding alcohol or marijuana?

Contact the State of Oregon: Oregon Liquor Control Commission. For questions about laws specific to Polk County regarding alcohol or marijuana, email Abby BreMiller at bremiller.abby@co.polk.or.us or call (503) 623-9664 Ext. 2550. 

Are you looking for resources or information on stopping or cutting back your gambling, drug use, or alcohol use? Concerned about a loved one's alcohol use, drug use, or gambling?

For treatment options, visit the Polk County Addiction Services website. 

Other helpful resources:

Oregon Problem Gambling Resource: http://www.opgr.org
Problem Gambling Helpline: 1-877-MYLIMIT or text (503) 713-6000
Gamblers Anonymous: http://www.gamblersanonymous.org/ga/
Alcoholics Anonymous: http://www.aa.org
Narcotics Anonymous:  https://www.na.org

Like us on Facebook! Find us at www.facebook.com/PCYAT or search Polk County Prevention Programs.