Drug, Alcohol, Problem Gambling, and Suicide Prevention


Polk County’s Drug, Alcohol, Problem Gambling and Suicide Prevention Program serves Polk County by reducing and preventing the negative effects of drug, alcohol and gambling addiction through a variety of strategies including positive youth development, raising awareness, evidence based parenting classes, community assessments and surveys, media campaigns, supporting policy development, and education. 

How do I request a presentation or more information?
The Community Drug, Alcohol, and Problem Gambling Program can provide helpful presentations or materials on any of these topics to parents, youth, healthcare providers, employees, clients, social service providers, community members, marijuana, alcohol or gambling retailer, religious or fraternal organizations, etc. These presentations can be tailor made to cover the information most relevant to your group. For more information, to set up a presentation, or for questions about laws specific to Polk County regarding alcohol or marijuana, contact Annie Buse at buse.annie@co.polk.or.us or (503) 751-1644


To learn more about Polk County Prevention Programs including Youth Opportunities, Drug & Alcohol Prevention, Problem Gambling Prevention, and Suicide Prevention & Mental Health please visit Polk County Prevention Programs.