Reduced Supervision

The Reduced Supervision Caseload (RSC) is a specialized supervision program focused on low-risk offenders who have satisfied the majority of their probation conditions.  The goal of this program is to offer offenders a less restrictive environment in which to complete supervision. The program rewards positive growth and positive completion of supervision conditions.  As in all other programs, offenders are held accountable and are monitored for compliance. 

Offenders supervised under RSC are still subject to all general and special conditions of supervision and are required to immediately notify their parole/probation officer of any changes in their contact information (physical address, mailing address, and phone number). This can be achieved in writing through a monthly report, by telephone, or in person. Offenders having police contact resulting in new arrests or charges, or who are being released from custody need to immediately report in person to their parole/probation officer to discuss what impact this will have on their case and their eligibility to remain on the RSC. In these instances, written or telephonic contact will not suffice. Offenders who fail to adhere to the requirements of the RSC and who fail to keep their probation officer informed of their current contact information, may be subjected to an increase in supervision to a field caseload, as well as imposition of other interventions and/or sanctions.