Group Therapy

Polk County Mental Health and Addictions Services (PCMHAS) offers group therapy that includes evidence based practices and groups for people with co-occurring disorders. Our current groups are scheduled during the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday with various groups being offered at both of our locations, Dallas and West Salem. Groups are open to individuals who are currently receiving mental health or addiction services at PCMHAS.

►Dialectical Behavior Therapy
This group teaches a series of skills, practices and interventions to help people learn effective ways to manage their emotions. It is an evidence based practice that research has shown to be effective for people who struggle with strong emotions. This group is appropriate for people with mental health conditions, issues with substance abuse, or both. Currently open to women only, 18 years and older. This group is available at both clinics.

►Women's Process Group - Designed to help people learn more about how they relate to others and form relationship; with family members, partners, friends, etc... The group provides a supportive place to discuss thoughts and feelings associated with both past and current relationships, help increase insight into personal relationships and patterns, and provides ideas and strategies to improve relationships.  Open to women, 18 years and older, and available only in West Salem.

►Improve Your Self Esteem (flyer) - This group is designed to help people identify their sources of negative self esteem, identify behaviors and thoughts which promote bad feelings about themselves, and introduces new, healthier ways of being.  The group provides an opportunity to meet others who are coping with similar issues and provides an opportunity to support each other in practicing and using new ways of thinking. This group is open to both male and female adults, 18 years of age or older. Offered only at Dallas.

►How to Deal with Emotional Manipulation - The purpose of this group is to provide information to help individuals identify their pattern of relationships with others and to recognize problems in their current relationships.  Through education and information, group exercises and discussion as a group, individuals become more aware of how to recognize when they are being manipulated by others and to develop ways to change their behaviors. Open to both male and female adults, 18 years of age and older. Offered only at West Salem.

►Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Depression and Anxiety - CBT for depression and anxiety will help you to identify how your thoughts and behaviors influence your mood and give you new ways of Coping. CBT is a powerful strategy that helps individuals explore how their thinking impacts their feelings, behaviors and sense of self worth.  Learn how to change your thinking and behaviors to reduce both anxiety & depression.

Seeking Safety - an evidence based program, specifically designed for people who suffer from significant trauma and substance abuse or dependence. It provides a series of safe coping skills, education and information about how trauma impacts a person's sense of safety, and provides tools and strategies to increase a person's ability to keep themselves safe and manage strong emotions.   Open to adults, 18 years and older. An evidence based practice specifically designed for people with mental health and substance abuse issues.
No current group available at this time, but groups will be started as there is a demand.

For more information about accessing any of these groups, please contact PCMHAS at the main number, (503) 623-9289 and speak to reception or ask to speak to the supervisor of the Adult Outpatient Programs.