Covid-19 PPE Supplies

While supply chains are beginning to run more smoothly, we still have personal protective equipment available to assist you between running out and your supply order coming in.

Emergency Management can not always fill your requests completely, however we will do our best to work with you, with the products we have on hand.

We have most basic PPE items available.  We have a large amount of hand sanitizer (mainly the distilled, with some small gel) available for distribution if your agency/business qualifies for disbursement under the state allocation guidelines.

Requesting items is easy!  Just click here to place your request. 

We do our best to fill requests submitted the same day or the next business day.

Please let us know if you need help with your personal protection equipment if your normal supplier is taking longer to ship or is simply out of stock due to demand.


-Your Polk County Emergency Management Team

First Responders

Our PPE supplies are for First Responders, Schools needing additional assistance, Care Homes/facilities, Hospitals, local businesses and Medical Offices.  

Person in white mask having forehead scanned by thermometer

***We have a small amount of touch less thermometers as well for those agencies or City/County Departments in need of them.***

Sani-Cloth Bleach Wipes

We have some Sani-Cloth Bleach Germicidal Disposable Wipes.  The active ingredient in these wipes is Sodium Hypochlorite (0.63%).  The recommended usage is for Medical Settings on hard nonporous surfaces.  If you can use these wipes please contact us at 503-623-0715.