Welcome to Public Works

PSA: Public Works would like to urge caution for drivers that are traveling  in the Airlie Rd./Elkins Rd. vicinity. Herds of elk are frequenting this area and we have received increased reports of car vs. elk accidents along these roadways. 

“Safe Routes to School” refers to efforts that improve, educate, or encourage children safely walking (by foot or mobility device) or biking to school. Safe Routes to School grants are awarded to projects to ensure safe walking and biking routes exist through investments in crossings, sidewalks and bike lanes, flashing beacons, and the like. Education programs focus on education and outreach to assure awareness and safe use of walking and biking routes.

  Project Overview

Project Description:

This project consists of grading, drainage, base, paving, walls, and construction of a 1-span, 113-foot long precast, prestressed concrete deck bulb-tee girder bridge. Abutments are founded on spread footings. The work also includes construction of a temporary detour bridge and demolition of the existing steel truss bridge.      

Image of road closure

To help minimize impact on the public, Public Works will be working to update this page with current and accurate information as it becomes available. 

Polk County road crews will attempt to open roads each night and reader boards may be placed prior to the work starting.  Please, plan for these delays and closures or use an alternate route past these projects, if and when available.

Please use caution near work zones, drive slowly, and obey the direction of traffic control personnel and devices:

Project  Description Location Schedule Cost Link

Curve Warning Signs 
(Watch Informational video here)

Please complete the following form to submit a road repair request, make a comment, or ask a question. Please provide as much detail as possible as to the location and description of the problem.  Thank you.


Liquid and solid waste materials left on the ground pose a potential hazard to human health and safety and water resources. Materials that are left on streets, sidewalks, and driveways can be washed into storm drains the next time it rains. Storm drains are directly connected to local streams and rivers; water entering storm drains does not receive treatment. Substances can also soak into the ground with the rain where they can potentially become part of the groundwater that we use for drinking water. 

A big event takes a lot of planning and coordination. A Special Event Permit is required anytime a citizen or group would like to hold an event (i.e. parade, running competition) inside a County right-of-way or road. 

Please see the documents below to insure that your event is held in a manner that is safe for your participants, spectators, and the communities in which you are holding this event. A traffic control plan is required when there are any potential impacts to traffic.

Please call Public Works with any questions regarding Special Event Permits: (503) 623-9287.

Surplus Beams #1

Polk County Public Works has begun listing surplus property online at https://www.publicsurplus.com/sms/browse/home.  It is free to access for the public. Only public institutions sell their items on this site.

Please check the site for current property for sale.

Public Works is also offering concrete beams and bridge timbers that were removed from County bridges. 

Bridge Timbers are available in various lengths, at the following prices: