The Great Oregon Shake Out

Map of Oregon, picture of Mountain and Trees


International ShakeOut Day is always the third Thursday of October (this year: October 21). While COVID-19 has brought many uncertainties and challenges, one thing's for sure: ShakeOut is still happening this year!

As always, you can hold your #ShakeOut drill when and where you want. You can choose another date or several dates, and include people in multiple locations (home, work, or school), perhaps through video conferencing.

It's actually a good idea to practice earthquake safety in different situations each year, and ShakeOut Organizers are here to support you.




Person getting down

In MOST situations, you will reduce your chance of injury if you:


DROP where you are onto your hands and knees.

This position protects you from being knocked down and also allows you to stay low and crawl to shelter if nearby.

Person protecting themselves

COVER your head and neck with one arm and hand

  • If a sturdy table or desk is nearby, crawl underneath it for shelter
  • If no shelter is nearby, crawl next to an interior wall (away from windows)
  • Stay on your knees; bend over to protect vital organs
Person holding on to cover

HOLD ON until shaking stops

  • Under shelter: hold on to your shelter with one hand; be ready to move with it if it shifts
  • No shelter: hold on to your head and neck with both arms and hands.