Amateur Radio Emergency Services (A.R.E.S.)

Emergency Radio Uses



A.R.E.S. is Part of the field Organization of the American Radio Relay League (AARL) which is required by the FCC to provide a trained pool of radio operators in the amateur services to serve as voluntary non-commercial communicators, particularly with respect to providing emergency communications.  The purpose of the Polk County A.R.E.S. Unit is to provide communications support when normal Channels become unreliable or overcrowded.

A.R.E.S. may be called upon to provide communications support during:

  • Search and Rescue missions
  • Major crime investigations where primary communications capabilities are limited
  • Emergency Operations Center activation during disaster situations
  • Situation status reports on flooding and/or severe weather that may impact the County
  • Emergency Management Operations, and
  • Other situations requiring their expertise, as approved.


The A.R.E.S Unit falls under the Emergency Management Department.  Please contact Dean Bender if you are interested in joining A.R.E.S or would just like more information.

Volunteer Application click here.