May 21, 2024 - Presidential Primary Election Information

April 30, 2024 is the voter registration deadline for the May 21, 2024 Primary Election.  Oregon voters can register, or change their address or political party, online at or by filling out a paper card. 

Oregon has a closed primary system.  Voters who wish to vote in the Democratic or Republican primary must be registered as a member of that party by the deadline.  Voters who are not affiliated with a major party will receive a Nonpartisan ballot that will contain nonpartisan offices and measures.

Voters can check their current registration status at


General Information


Polk County Board of Commissioners and Assessor (Non-Partisan) 

(Except as provided in ORS 249.091), 

ORS 249.088 Provides if a candidate receives a majority of the votes cast (50% plus one vote) for the office at the primary election, that candidate is elected and will not go onto the general ballot.

If no candidate receives a majority, the two candidates who receive the highest number of votes are nominated and will go to the general ballot.


Polk County SheriffTreasurer and Clerk (Non-Partisan)   (Always 4 year terms) 

ORS 249.091 Provides if one or two candidates have filed for the offices of Sheriff, County Treasurer or County Clerk, the candidates shall move to the November General ballot only.


Final List of Candidates for the May Primary Ballot (see exclusions below that will move to the November General Ballot)


Candidate positions scheduled to be on the ballot in the May Primary (filing office Polk County Elections)

Polk County Commissioner - Position 1
Polk County Assessor

Candidate positions that will move onto the November General Election (filing office Polk County Elections)

Polk County Treasurer
Polk County Clerk
Polk County Sheriff
Precinct Committee Persons