Gale's Lodge

Gale's Lodge

Gale's Lodge is a partnership with the Dallas United Methodist Church, open since 2017 when Gale's Lodge was created. The Dallas United Methodist Church has been a leader in social service partnerships for many years. The Dallas United Methodist Church plays a key role in many community events with support and resources. They serve as a meal site for James 2 Kitchen, a site for a variety of support groups, as well as a produce distribution site.

For Gale's Lodge specifically, the Dallas United Methodist Church provides their campus as the location for Gale's Lodge. Program participants are also welcomed at the James 2 Kitchen meals. Members of the Dallas United Methodist Church have also taken part in the Gale's Lodge meal train that provides meals to the program participants.


Program Focus:

The Gale's Lodge Program focuses on assisting Polk County Veterans with securing employment and housing. This program is intended for veterans that need a hand up in order to transition to permanent housing. Access to safe and secure living is the first step to this program. Gale's Lodge provides temporary housing for up to 5 single male veterans at a time. Each are provided with their own living quarters with shared bathrooms, a shared kitchen and a shared common area.

All program participants are connected to local resources to assist with employment searches, permanent housing resources, and financial assistance resources. Program participants meet with the Gale's Lodge case manager once a week to go over their individual goals and what steps they have taken to reach those goals.